Last updated:
11 jul 2019

Hoya citrina



I bought this Hoya as a rooted cutting in May 2002 from Botanova in northern Sweden. I bought it as Hoya glabra. In the three years that I've had this plant it has grown quite big, and when it recently flowered I found out it was not Hoya glabra. It is Hoya citrina. At least, that's what I was told from Botanova. There had been a mixup and that my plant should be the one they sell as Hoya citrina.


In July 2004 one of the vines "split" into two vines and in the middle there was something that looked like a tiny peduncle, but whatever it was it fell off... Looks kind of funny, though! In September 2005 I got to enjoy the lovely white flowers which I found to be some of the better fragrant ones! AND my plant had two more peduncles... Both these new and the old peduncle fell off during the winter... Before I moved to my apartment in 2008 I sold this plant... Not sure if I get a new one now that I have more room again!


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