Last updated:
07 jul 2019

Hoya greenii



I bought this hoya as a rooted cutting at an exhibition January 2003. I liked the leaves, but I had never heard the name before... It didn't grow at all - it was a very boring hoya! When repotting it in the summer of 2003 I found out why - the roots were almost dead. I cut it up and planted the two little cuttings. It took off and now it grew fast. It even developed a peduncle in November 2003, but the buds blasted over and over. The lesson I learned from all this is that it seems to be a hoya that needs very even watering. In January 2004 I had to go to Germany to study German for one month and my boyfriend took care of all my plants. I had given him thorough instructions, but still one hoya was close to dead when I came home...  Yes, it was the greenii and all I could save was one cutting that took forever to root, but finally (in June 2004) it started growing again.


History has an ability to repeat itself and so has the story of my Hoya greenii... After it started growing again in June 2004 it grew quite well, but then in February 2005 it was (again!) time for a near-death-experience. I was so close to throwing the whole thing in the garbage, but I had mercy with the poor little thing. Once again I cut it down and potted a fairly nice cutting... It grew well and in March 2006 I cut it in half and potted the two cuttings together. They grew nicely, but then during the winter it was time for another near-death-experience... Early in the spring of 2007 I cut my plant into pieces and rooted several of them in the same pot. They are all growing well and have gotten quite a lot bigger... we'll see how long it'll last this time!


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