Last updated:
15 okt 2013

Hoya obovata (variegata)



I traded a cutting of this hoya with a guy from Thailand in the middle of May 2012. A lovely (little tired) cutting arrived with two travelling companions, but after a nice long refreshing bath in plain water it perked up. It rooted fast and since it was a top cutting it also started growing soon. Soon after I got it I decided to order another one from a place in Thailand. I wanted two in the pot. Said and done I ordered a rather expensive one (+ quite a few other hoyas) and it arrived in the middle of June 2012. The new cutting was about the same size as the one I already have and this one was also rooted. After a thorough examination I potted the two cuttings together.


At the beginning of July 2012 I discovered a tiny peduncle in the first cutting and I really hope it goes all the way. The flowers on Hoya obovata are really sweet and with the combination of the variegated foliage I'm certain it will be really pretty!

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