Last updated:
16 jul 2012

Hoya pachyclada x Hoya sp. Bangkok #4



I boght this hoya as an unrooted cutting in June 2010. It rooted fast, but then the kitten Sune moved in and pulled it down on the floor and chewed on it. So it was just to pot it again, cut off damaged leaves and put it where Sune couldn't reach it. It recovered well and it didn't take long before I could cut it in two pieces and fill out the pot. This was in the spring of 2011 and after that I hung it in a window facing south so it gets plenty of sun. It seems to like it there since it bloomed for the first time in May 2012 and as I write (July 16, 2012) it has buds in all three peduncles and several new vines on the way. The leaves that are closest to the window gets nice red edges. I'm seriously thinking about changing this hoya from hanging to climbing...


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