Last updated:
11 jul 2019

Hoya calycina



I bought this one as an already big blooming plant in March 2003. When I entered this nursery that day, I notised this wonderful sweet fragrance all over the place (it's a huge place!) and I just had to find out what it was. I found the smell and do I need to describe the feeling when I notised that the fragrance came from a hoya?!! Needless to say, I bought it... In our house, it filled the entire first floor with its fragrance and at first we liked it, but the next time it flowered it had to move into the bathroom at night. What a smell it came from the bathroom in the morning when we opened the door! The flowers are very pretty with the red in the center behind the coronas, but the fragrance is a little too strong for me... especially when many umbels are open at the same time!


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