Last updated:
07 jul 2019

Hoya litoralis Schlechter




This hoya comes from Australia and the Solomon Islands and it was described in 1905.


It has a climbing/twining growth, but I'm sure it can also be grown hanging since the rather thick leaves weigh down the vines. The leaves are light green and glabrous. They are even lighter underneath and also pubescent. They measure 5-8 cm in length and 2-3 cm in width. It's a nice growing hoya that also roots easily. The leaves remain nice and green even if this hoya is grown in sun. The fact that the leaves are pubescent underneath makes you wonder if this is the true litoralis... which, according to the scientific description shouldn't be pubescent.


The flowers are revolute, redbrown with darker center of the coronas. It is said not to flower much and you'll find up to 20 small (5 mm) flowers in each umbel. The fragrance is like wayetii, but not as strong and these flowers only produce little nectar.

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