Last updated:
28 jan 2012

Hoya 'Rebecca'




This hoya is said to be a cross between Hoya lacunosa 'Langkawi Island' and H. obscura and it comes from Thailand. The person who got the cross also saved a sister which was named 'Rachel'.


You can really tell which are the parents to this hoya, but which hoya had the seed pod is a bit unsure. Mostly I see it written with lacunosa first, but a few times I've seen obscura written first and from what I have been told the "mother" should always be written first... No matter where the seed pod was this is a really nice hoya! The leaves are 2.5-6 cm long, 1-2 cm wide and very prominent veins. If this hoya is grown in very bright light/sunshine the leaves get a lovely red colour. New leaves are often very red, but as they get older the red fades to only a nice red tone.


The almost ball shaped flowers are small, only 4-5 mm in diamater, lovely pink with yellow center. You'll find 20-30 flowers in each umbel and they last X days. The fragrance isn't very strong and reminds mostly of obscuras fresh and sweet fragrance than lacunosas strong sweet fragrance. From the day I found the peduncle it took 26 days before they opened.


To view more photos and read about my Hoya 'Rebecca', click here:


My plant is blooming for the first time right now so I'll update how long the flowers last later...



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