of you might not want to know who I am, but for those who do, here are
some facts and other boring stuff... |
Like it says on the first page, my
name is Christina and I'm 50 years old. I live
in the south of Sweden, in Sjöbo... Not quite East and not quite the
middle of Skåne so I call it the "Middle East"! I moved here in
November 2009 after having lived about 16 years in a harbor town called Trelleborg. I was raised
about 15 km north of Trelleborg, but I had to go through high school in
Trelleborg. During those three years I found Trelleborg so boring that I swore I would
never live there! Oh well, that was then... I liked living in Trelleborg,
but things and life change. |
After high school I got a great
job in a big company, but after almost two years I decided that I wanted
to see the world. I went to Greece for almost four months. I did the
dishes in a Swedish/Danish/Greek restaurant on Crete in the evenings and I
had the days off to do whatever I wanted. I got to see a lot during those
four months. Things a "regular" tourist doesn't get to see... It was a
great experiense! |
After Greece I stayed home for
about a month, but there were no jobs to be found so I packed my bags
again and went to the United States. I ended up in Florida and I stayed
there a whole year. I started out as an au-pair in a family, but there was
almost nothing for me to do so I left... Shared a house with an American
girlfriend and a guy originally from Italy. It was tough days, but we had
fun! We cleaned houses, did laundry, baby sitting, ironing and a lot more
that people hired us to do. One thing that I will never forget is when I
was asked to baby sit a newborn little girl from Brasil... They wanted to
name her Kristina (after me!) and wanted me to be her first baby sitter.
She was the cutest little baby I had ever seen! After I got back home to
Sweden I received photos of her every Christmas until she was about five -
I think... That was one really funfilled year! |
When the year in Florida was over,
I went back home to Sweden and right after I got home my mother got sick.
If she hadn't, I think I would have just taken a job, earned enough money
to buy a new ticket back to Florida and who knows what I would be doing
today if I had gone back... |
After a few months I did get a new
job, as a receptionist in a small company in Trelleborg (!). I ended up
staying there almost nine years doing a little of everything. The last
couple of years I was an indoor sales person and I loved it! After about
two years I decided to move to Trelleborg... Yes, I know what I had said
when I went to high school... My mother died shortly after I moved into my
apartment and I got all her plants. Her Hoya carnosa was among these and
that is the reason why I started collecting hoyas. More about that in
how it all started. I really
need to update that page also!
My family is not big. My last
grand parent (a grand mother) died around Christmas when I was 13 years
old. On new years eve the year after, my father died, only 55 years old.
My mother right after new year more than 17 years ago, only 62 years old.
In 2005 one of my brothers died, only 43 years old. My oldest big brother
(14 years older than me) and my youngest big brother (3 years older
than me) are what's left of
our family if you don't count my two uncles and their families... |
I became really good friends with
one of my neighbors and she introduced me to dogs. She had a dog and I
never thought I would like dogs, but it was actually fun... Not the same
as having a cat, but still... She took me to a kennel and they had the
cutest little Shetland Sheepdog puppies! One in particular... and this
little dog came home with me for a trial period to see if she would get
along with my cat. They got along really well... |
My cat enjoyed
his last years in the house we bought in 2002 and that might need some explanation. In 2004 I spent
one month (January) in Germany to study German and when I got home I
thought my boyfriend had given him too much food so we put him on a
diet... It worked some, but he still looked a little fat. He was fine
otherwise, and when we took both animals to the vet in September 2004
we found out that my cat had cancer in both his kidneys and that there was
nothing we could do about it. We decided to let him live as a "king"
whatever time he had left. He lost some weight, but other than that he was
in no pain or anything. He had lots of fun during the spring! He ate
whipped cream, tuna fish and other "forbidden" stuff whenever he wanted...
He even chased birds in the garden! Saturday May 14th 2005 his back legs suddenly got a little unsteady. That weekend I spent with him, taking care
of him, spoiled him, walked with him, he slept his two last nights in my
arms... Monday May 16th 2005 we took him to the vet and by then he was tired...
Really tired and didn't seem to "blaim" me for what I was about to do.
It was the toughest decision I've had to make (so far) but I know it was
best for him. He had a wonderful life and I'll never forget him. I'm
glad I've taken so many photos of him the last years... More
photos of him will be added on his
page. I still had my dog, but it wasn't the same as having a cat. My new little
kitten moved in on Monday July 18th 2005... What a birthday present for my dog! My
dog didn't quite like him at first, but they had so much fun together.
Photos of Simpson have been
uploaded on his page, but more will follow! |
At the end of April 2008 I
had to put my dog to sleep. She had had a heart murmer for
about a year but had been doing really well. Early that spring she
started coughing and was put on medication and at first it seemed to
work, but after about a month she was suddenly getting worse and on
April 29th I took her to the wet for the last time... I cried the
whole short drive back home! Thankfully I still had Simpson... he
seemed to miss his dog friend sometimes, but while I lived in my
apartment I couldn't get him any new friend. |
So, what do I do today? The
company I worked for was sold and I was one of those who had to leave.
However, I did find a new job in Trelleborg and I spent about five years there, working with indoor sales/marketing and having contact with
more or less the whole world. This was a big advantage with
this job. I also studied German at the University, but that turned out to be
tougher and more time consuming than I thought... |
In December 2006
I decided to take my drivers license. Yes, at "old" age... Said and
done, I bought a package with 23 lessons and after the 8th lesson I
was tired of it... I felt I needed a "carrot" and bought ny own car.
It is a really cool car, a
Renault Megane
(3-doors) in an orientblue metallic colour and it was used, but
fairly new... Having my own car really helped me get my license and
I got it on my first try at the end of May 2007. Since then my
car and I (oh, and passengers too) been around a lot at hoya meetings
and so on... Getting my drivers license is probably one of the best
things I've ever done! In October 2008 I sold my blue Megane and
bought a red metallic Megane (5-doors) instead... It is much newer
and even nicer to drive than the blue... Except for some problems
with the windows! So far I've had three "window elevators" exchanged and
I'm just waiting for the last one to "fall". The third one fell down
a couple of days before the problem was discussed on a TV-show and
after that I was compensated for the costs by Renault and I also got
half a promise that they would also pay for the last one if it fell
down during 2010. When I turned 40 I got a cool licence plate holder
on the back of the car so now I
for myself! |
My drivers license also helped me get
a job. I was working as a consultant (a company hired me out to other
companies) and I really liked my first assignment and in the fall
of (2009) I started my fifth and last job for this company. I stayed
there until October 2013, when I decided to go back to school for
about six months. I studied to become a podiatrist and in the summer
2014 we renovated an old garage next to our house and that's where I
now have my own company and I am enjoying every moment of it. Being
my own boss sure has its advantages - and disadvantages too of
course. Here is a link to the website I started for my company:
(it will open in a new window) |
May 2008 we
sold our house, separated and moved... We both still liveed in
Trelleborg. A lot had happended during the past few years and I had
changed a lot... the feelings had changed, but I might add that we
are still friends. The apartment I bought was really nice, but I have
a lot less hoya space so the first six months I sold some of them
and tried to fit as many as possible in my
windows and on shelves on two walls where the sun shines a lot...
The end result was quite nice, but around the time I was done
arranging hoyas it was time to move - again! Nothing planned, it
just happened... |
During the summer 2009
we (me and my new boyfriend) went on house shows... Mainly because
it was actually fun, but after a while it got more and more serious.
I realized I was no apartment person... At the end of August we
found a house that both suited us, Simpson and my hoyas. Funny, but
it really IS a Hoya house! We had to wait until November before we
could move into our house and after moving in (actually on the first
day) all the trouble began... I'm not going to get into details, but
I can mention that the sellers hadn't cleaned the house before they
left it... the kitchen fan above the stove was so full of grease
that it was dripping down onto the stove - just to mention ONE thing! |
It was a hectic time
after we moved because it was hard not to have a clean house, but
you still wanted to live there (so to speak). We both work full time
so it took quite a while before we had clean enough to put our stuff
in cupboards and drawers, put carpets on the floors (we had slippers
on all the time!) and so on. I changed old / sewed new curtains for
weeks, but when I was finally done I was very pleased with the
results. Thanks to everything else that took time, my hoyas were
just put in the window sills as I moved them from my apartment, but
a month ago today I spent a whole Sunday (March 21st)
just organizing hoyas and pots. It was quite a challenge, but in the
end I was pleased with it and it seems my hoyas are also pleased
because I find new growth and buds/flowers here and there... How our
windows turned out can be seen here... |
During the
summer 2010 it started happening things in the house... we decided
to start renovating/rebuilding and redecorate the second floor, to
begin with. It was a lot more work than you think, but the result
was very
nice. We arranged a computer room and that was an easy one to do. After that we made two rooms into one big bedroom with a big
walk-in closet and even if we got more work than we thought we are
really pleased with how it turned out! Next project was the hallway
upstairs and that leads to the stairs gowing down... Hmmmm, I wonder
if you'll ever be finished in a house??!! Oh, the computer room is
now also my sewing room and part of the bedroom was rebuilt to a
walk in closet where I now keep all my fabric storage and some other
useful stuff for sewing. I have made several really nice hand bags
in the past six months and there will be more when I get the time. |
some years we just renovated room after room and life went on pretty
smoothe. Until one day at the end of 2016, when we decided to start
renovating our hallway downstairs and also our kitchen. Those two
project took until spring 2018 to finish as we only had time during
weekends and it was not all weekends we felt like renovating...
Anyway, after we were done with the kitchen we were going to start
on the living room. When planning the living room we realized it
really is too big and we don't need all that extra space. So we will
take half our living room and turn into a dining room together with
our kitchen, which means we will have to tear down a wall in our
kitchen, but that's a project for the summer vacation 2019. |
top of everything, Sune
moved in on July 1st 2010...
Sune is Simpson new friend and really cute - when he's not into a
lot of mischief! Sune will get a page of his own, but everything
takes so much time... Sometimes I wish I had a couple of months off
to JUST update my website... |
I think I'd better stop here, so
you don't fall asleep... Thanks for the visit! |
July 8th 2019 |

Read about how it all started
Why did I start collecting hoyas?

Private hoya
Check out some
of my favourite private hoya links from all over the world

Public hoya
Here you will find public sites from all over the world, places to
buy hoyas from etc.

Hoya forums
Here you will find links to different hoya forums on the internet.

Other great
Here you will find links to search sites, garden sites, fun sites,
crazy sites, and other "useful" sites. |