- "If you want to be happy one
day, get drunk.
- If you want to be happy one
week, slaughter your pig.
- If you want to be happy one
month, get married.
- If you want to be happy the
rest of your life, grow flowers."
(Chinese proverb) |
 | July 21st, 2019 |
 | There has been a lot of confusion as to how
to write the names of our beloved hoyas correctly and also
questions about what different abbreviations mean. I have tried
to gather all that I have learned and also with the help of the
members in my Swedish Hoya group on Facebook. You can find the
gathered results here: Hoya names
and also the Abbreviations and
those pages will hopefully be helpful for some and for some I
know it won't as someone commented on Facebook that the
discussion in my group was just the results of "someone copying
and pasting stuff from the internet" and hinted that it was
wrong. |
 | I have started the boring work of adding the
"new" buttons in the left hand menu on ALL the pages and sub
pages... It will take quite some time, but I know it will be
worth it. |
 | July 8th, 2019 |
 | I have in the past few weeks made a lot of
changes and updates in the "background" so to speak. Things that
will help me when updating the FUN parts of my website. The
things I have changed and updated now might mean that some links
could be broken and some photos look like they are missing. BUT,
these will be fixed as I get further into the pages. It takes a
lot of time these "hidden" changes so please bare with me and I
will work as fast as I can. Thank you for your patience!
 | I will now start a few notes about all
these weird and not so weird "new" names and older names out
there... I will keep them at the top and all the updates I make
on the website will be below this. |
 | June 6th, 2015 |
 | The confusion has been high when it comes to
a certain hoya through the years, but the past few years the
confusion has been total! From the beginning this hoya was named
Hoya tsangii, but a few years later this turned out to be wrong
and it was "changed" to DS-70, which from the beginning was
wrong since that is a specific number on a hoya in someones
collection and all so called DS-70 couldn't possibly come from
the same plant... so now this hoya was just an sp-hoya without
name... and so it still is, but it has been discussed that it looks mostly like Hoya
burtoniae so the most correct way to call this beautiful hoya
would be Hoya sp. aff. burtoniae, because it's still an sp-hoya
but looks like (hence the aff.) burtoniae... so that's what
it'll be called here on the website until anything more is
revealed or known about this hoya. At least now it has sort of a
name. :-) |
 | October 8th, 2014 |
 | First out is a hoya that was known as Hoya
odorata from the beginning, but then someone said Hoya odorata
hadn't been found and that the hoya in circulation was actually
Hoya cembrae. So it was called that for a few years until
recently when I was told it should be called Hoya odorata -
AGAIN. I asked a person who I know knows a lot about hoyas and
that person answered me that nothing was certain in this
situation. To add to the confusion on this I found a document
with a photo of a herbarium sheet where it was written Hoya
leucantha (H. cembra) underneath it... So I guess the jury is
still out on this one... |
 | The "regular" Hoya caudata has white flowers,
but there is also one with yellow flowers. I've been quite
surpriced for many years that the yellow one hasn't gotten any
name of its own, but there are people who seem to call it Hoya
caudata (gold). It has yellow flowers not flowers of gold, but I
guess gold sells better. |
 | Then there was Hoya campanulata, which was
later said to be Hoya wallichii, but this hoya is today Hoya
danumensis. And that story seems final. |
 | The one called cystiantha is really
campanulata and there is no "real" cystiantha since the
differences between these two only is from the size of the
flowers (according to the publisher) and therefore these two
hoyas are the same and campanulata is the correct name for them
both. |
 | The next question is... is Hoya lasiantha
really Hoya lasiantha or is it Hoya praetorii and is Hoya
praetorii really Hoya praetorii or is it Hoya lasiantha? The one
we now know as praetorii was earlier lasiantha, but now there
seems to be doubts... this will be continued. |
 | Is Hoya crassipes the same as Hoya
diversifolia? Well, there are rumours... |
 | Remember the long story about Hoya tsangii?
First it was the one later called sp. DS-70 and now most of
those plants are just sp-hoyas. So, is there any Hoya tsangii?
Yes, it is the one we have known as Hoya odetteae for some years,
but there has always been a suspicion that it could be Hoya
tsangii. Note to self: Need to change that
here on the site. |
 | Then there is the story with Hoya paziae...
does this hoya exist? Yes, but it is NOT the one we think. The
one in circulation as Hoya paziae is actually the same cross as Hoya 'Iris Marie'
and the real Hoya paziae seems to also be called Hoya eugeniodes,
which I leave up to the experts to sort out. |
 | Nothing really confusing, but Hoya
mindorensis ssp. Superba IML 0768 has been reidentified as Hoya elmeri (1929, Merrill, Borneo) |
 | August 2nd, 2015 |
 | I have updated Hoya elliptica with quite a
few new photos. I hope you
enjoy them! |
 | October 9th, 2014 |
 | I am now done with the pages for Hoya campanulata,
both facts and
photos. |
 | October 8th, 2014 |
 | I have updated Hoya danumensis with quite a
few new photos. I hope you
enjoy them! |
 | I have started working on the pages for Hoya
campanulata, i e the one we today know as that... |
 | October 2nd, 2014 |
 | Quite a few small things have been changed.
Things like new names, changed names, hoyas that have been moved
into the same name but with subspecies etc... a lot of work here
for such small things. You just got to love hoyas! |
 | I have tried to sort out and updated
Hoya blashernaezii... two
other hoyas have been moved into this speices but as subspecies.
If you see something wrong let me know! |
 | Also the pages for
Hoya flavida have been created
with both texts and quite a few
photos. A beautiful hoya! |
 | October 1st, 2014 |
 | September 29th, 2014 |
 | I have updated the private hoya links.
Unfortunately a lot of websites have been closed and a lot of
the remaining are not updated any longer... |
 | April 17-18th, 2014 |
 | I have updated the page on
Eriostemma, but I haven't updated
any of the species. Only changed what used to say Hoya and some
other little things... However, I hope I can update the 'Monette'
soon since I have four growing buds in my plant. |
 | April 11th, 2014 |
 | There has been no updates for more than a
year, but there might be some time shortly... today I have
exchanged some of the smaller photos of leaves in the albums to
flower photos because quite a few hoyas have bloomed for the
first time the past year and more are going to soon. |
 | March 17th, 2013 |
 | January 8th, 2013 |